Commercial AC & VRF Systems

Explore Hitachi's premier commercial HVAC solutions for business, commercial buildings and industries.

Smart, energy efficient and reliable commercial Air Conditioning solutions

Hitachi's commercial air conditioning units are specifically designed for commercial use, providing efficient cooling and heating solutions for businesses and commercial buildings. With over 70 years of expertise in AC design and manufacture, Hitachi combines advanced hardware, software, and control interfaces to deliver the best AC units for commercial use. Whether you need an AC unit for a commercial building or a specific commercial project, Hitachi offers a diverse range of commercial air conditioning systems to suit your requirements

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End-to-End HVAC solutions from precision climate control to design, maintenance

Hitachi offers a comprehensive range of commercial cooling and heating solutions catering to small businesses and large commercial or industrial enterprises, with a capacity range from just a few kW to chiller solutions of 3000RT. Advanced calibration allows HVAC professionals to adjust noise levels and indoor temperature sensing, while Hitachi's range of apps makes it easier to design, install, commission, operate and service HVAC equipment, saving time and money at every stage. Trust Hitachi for end-to-end HVAC solutions, delivering exceptional air solutions for heating and cooling needs.
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High quality control standards for Commercial Air Conditioning

It’s a Hitachi tradition to exceed quality standards and implement strict control processes. In 1963, the Japan Electrical Machinery Association introduced the first AC quality certification rating in Japan, intended for application to small-capacity ac split systems. Hitachi was the first manufacturer to take this standard and apply it across our entire commercial range, regardless of unit capacity – a philosophy that continues to this day with some of the toughest quality control processes in the industry.
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Lowering the cost of centralized control systems for HVAC systems

A common barrier to centralized control of a HVAC system is the installation and commissioning cost. Available on Hitachi commercial VRF systems, chillers and commercial split systems using an adaptor, H-LINK is the most flexible communication wiring system on the market, enabling any type of wiring route based on layout rather than on air conditioning system structure. Units can be ‘daisy-chained’ together so that an indoor unit can connect to the nearest indoor unit rather than back to a central control point.
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Breathe easy with Hitachi's commercial air conditioning units- prioritizing heal

Hitachi's commercial VRF systems feature advanced comfort technologies, such as stable temperature control based on occupancy, draft avoidance, and floor area heating/cooling. Hitachi's commercial split systems also prioritize occupant comfort with noise reduction features, auto-adjustable airflow, and easy integration of air quality filters. Upgrade paths for VRF systems include affordable indoor air quality options such as the ViroSense Z filter for 4-way ac cassettes and an optional ionizer kit for ducted indoor units. Additionally, our range of mechanical ventilation systems can play a crucial role in improving indoor air quality by exchanging outdoor and indoor air.

Hitachi Air Conditioners for Residential and Commercial spaces

With over 80 years of experience, we are confident that our range of cooling and heating solutions provides households and businesses with the leading climate control technology to create and maintain the perfect indoor environment. Meeting the evolving requirements of our clients means that we are constantly innovating our systems, resulting in a collection of elegant and efficient options that are designed to adapt to you and the spaces that they inhabit. We cater for all types of projects and offer an extensive range of solutions so that you can find the system right for the job.

To see our ranges of residential and commercial solutions, click here, and if you are interested in receiving more information from a professional installer, find your nearest one using our Partner Locator.