Tips to Improve Sustainability in the Workplace

When we talk about sustainability in the workplace, there are three factors that we must take into account: financial, social and environmental impact. Sustainability has become a growingly important movement, to the point that both employees and customers value companies that have a culture of social and environmental awareness.

Managers and leaders also have the corporate responsibility to create a pleasant work environment and stay accountable for stakeholders. Fortunately, we can rely on actions that range from simple changes to habits to introducing new technologies to drive our business towards a more sustainable workplace.



Goals for sustainability in the workplace

To achieve a more sustainable workplace we can apply long-term and short-term goals. Some of these goals can be quite simple to implement, others will need a more focused and prolonged effort. In 2015, the United Nations set a collection of 17 interlinked goals for worldwide sustainability, which are known as the Sustainable Development Goals. Learning about these goals and familiarising yourself with them is key for a more sustainable workplace. The global objective of these goals is to be the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”, with the intention to do so by 2020. To achieve these goals, everyone, individuals and organisations must contribute their part.


Businesses and organisations are great agents of change, with unity they have the ability to achieve these goals. Think about your business’ social and environmental policies, how can you improve them to be more inclusive, how can your company be more eco-friendly, what can be done to reduce its carbon footprint, and how can we use technology to help us in this endeavour?


We should consider new technological advancements as our ally for sustainability. As we will further see, many appliances and devices are designed specifically to optimize efficiency, use green energy sources and lower carbon emissions.



Improving infrastructures

Buildings as infrastructures consume a large portion of the world’s available fossil energy.

And a great percentage of this consumption is due to the temperature regulating systems, for heating or cooling. This is why green infrastructure initiatives have gained importance during the past decade. Efforts to make buildings more sustainable are being made: encouraging the use of renewable energy, the use of greener materials, and putting more importance on thermal insulation.


By providing optimal insulation in buildings and structures, the need for energy-draining systems of temperature regulation decreases. Indoor temperatures stay more stable, spaces remain cooler during summer and warmer during winter, greatly reducing the usage and potency of air-conditioners and heaters.


In Europe, projects that use the green roofs on buildings to deflect radiation from the sun have already been completed successfully throughout cities. This system has been proven effective to reduce indoor heat. As an added benefit, the vegetation on these green roofs directly reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.



Recycling the proper way

Waste costs businesses around 4.5% of their turnover, implementing a recycling program is essential today in any office environment. Whether thinking small or big, before starting, run a waste audit to determine the type and quantity of waste and hotspots where waste is generated. Then proceed to identify the costs of current disposal methods and set goals for reducing, reusing, and recycling waste.


In an office setting, paper waste is a huge issue; reduce paper usage by encouraging the use of digital formats, and providing electronic communication options, such as e-mail, voicemail and instant messaging. This, in turn, will also reduce pens and ink cartridge consumption. Whenever physical copies are needed, ensure double-sided printing, and use recycled paper.

To encourage recycling among employees, place appropriate recycling bins in areas where they are needed; for example, paper bins in the printing room, and plastic bins in the lunchroom.

Contact local authorities and recycling services for waste that needs special disposal, such as ink cartridges, batteries, electronic devices, and larger appliances. This type of waste is particularly harmful to the environment, so it is essential to take careful steps to safely dispose of them. For example, some older refrigerators, humidifiers, and air conditioners contain ozone-depleting substances that contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer if released into the environment.



Reduce consumption and gain sustainability

Energy consumption is one of the largest overhead costs for businesses. Of course, every company should have an estimate of their annual electricity cost and thrive to reduce it by identifying energy-draining practices and appliances.


Whenever possible, review the energy guide label on appliances, opt for those that have a lower annual energy consumption. Some of these more efficient appliances may entail a higher upfront cost, but the energy savings during their working life will be well worth it.


Invest in electricity usage monitors to easily manage electrical equipment, these monitors will help identify where improvements can be implemented.


If needed, calculate the annual electricity cost of different appliances, this can be done with a simple estimation of hourly usage per day, and the wattage indicated on every appliance. Learn more about calculating electric energy use.

There are some simple measures that managers can implement right now to reduce electricity bills in the workplace. One of them is to turn down the thermostat, you only need a one-degree change for 10% of savings in heating/cooling. Another effective and simple tip is to switch off devices and appliances from the outlet, rather than leaving them plugged in, as some appliances keep consuming residual energy even if they are turned off. Using a smart power strip can help stop this residual energy consumption. Contrary to traditional power strips, smart power strips detect when a plugged device is on standby or sleep mode and are able to cut the power off. 




Which appliances can you check to ensure efficiency?

When choosing, setting up, adjusting or managing tech appliances, businesses should have efficiency as one of the main features to look for.

Whenever available, remember to opt for the more efficient option when deciding on appliance upgrades and replacements. It may not always be possible to install the latest and most efficient tech in our workplace, but we can make the most of our appliances by making small adjustments and changes in their settings. These are some of the appliances you can check to ensure efficiency.

  • Computers and servers add up to great energy consumption for businesses. Currently, more efficient technology allows us to considerably reduce consumption, which is why managers should consider upgrading technology to greener options. Reduce computer energy consumption by switching to laptops and notebooks, and using power saving features. For servers, take advantage of cloud solutions to virtualise servers.

    Did you know the layout in which server racks are arranged also has an impact on efficiency? Learn how to arrange your server racks for optimal energy savings.

  • Lighting and other appliances’ cost seems inevitable, but the type of lighting affects consumption: switching to more efficient energy-saving bulbs, such as LEDs, is a simple solution. In recent years, LED bulbs have significantly decreased in cost in comparison to when they first appeared in the market. Apart from reducing consumption, they also have a longer working life than incandescent light bulbs, minimising the cost for replacements and their installation. Read more on lighting choices.

  • In the case of other appliances and office equipment, such as monitors, printers, fridges, and vending machines, careful equipment management will ensure a longer working life for the appliances, as well as a decrease in carbon emissions. A simple way to reduce equipment energy consumption is to power off appliances out of office hours. Regarding fridges and vending machines, regulate the temperature, and avoid lowering it if unnecessary, some refrigerators have eco settings built-in, that can easily be turned on for optimal food storage. These methods will allow appliances to function at lower temperatures, which, in return, can reduce the need for mechanical ventilation and cooling.

  • Heating and cooling efficiency is the most effective way to decrease overall energy consumption. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, ASHRAE, space heating and cooling, and water heating are estimated to account for nearly 60% of global energy consumption in buildings. So, you can expect substantial benefits by focusing your attention on this area. Optimising your HVAC system does not need to be complicated; you can start by adjusting your appliances to the recommended eco-friendly settings of humidity and temperature as a quick fix, checking coolers and heaters for this purpose will yield almost immediate results. Managing timely maintenance and repairs on your appliances will also help keep them running at their best for many years to come.


To further reduce energy consumption resulting from your HVAC system, consider investing in an efficient air-conditioning system. This decision can substantially improve and regulate the temperature indoors. A unit specially designed for efficiency will save your business a great deal of energy.




How can Hitachi Air Conditioning help you save energy and money? 

The energy required to power cooling and heating systems is one of the biggest financial burdens for a business, which is why investing in more efficient units is key to a more sustainable workplace.


Hitachi Air Conditioning’s Variable Refrigerant Flow systems are globally praised as highly efficient and versatile air conditioning solutions.

One of the most versatile systems Hitachi offers is SideSmart™ VRF, a slim modular unit that greatly reduces the amount of refrigerant needed, in comparison to other similar units. Plus, it is adaptable to the available space, meaning that depending on available space and instalment requirements, you are able to configure a system that fits into restricted spaces, and provides powerful performance efficiently.

For heating and cooling different spaces simultaneously, you should investigate our Heat Recovery VRF system, which reuses waste heat from cooling one area for heating another area. In our article about the benefits of Heat Recovery VRF systems, we present the following scenario, “if an office space is being cooled, the excess energy being removed is transferred into a room that requires heating. Apply this to a whole floor or even an entire building and Heat Recovery type VRF increases air conditioning efficiency greatly and can lower energy usage by up to 30%, and in some cases even more. If you want to learn more about how Hitachi Air Conditioning can help you create a greener and more efficient workplace with VRF systems, see what ranges suit you best here.


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