airCloud Select

VRF system design tool for HVAC professionals

airCloud Select

VRF system design tool for HVAC professionals

“airCloud Select” is the new software created by Hitachi to help you quickly finish the unit selection for your VRF design project. • Enjoy a super intuitive and modern interface • Select the suitable VRF equipment for each project • Generate automatic report for your customers
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Building solutions

airCloud Select is your new tool to help you with your VRF design project. With a modern and intuitive interface, HVAC consultants and distributors can select the most suitable equipment for every new customer’s requirements

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Updated with latest VRF products

You can browse and select units within entire available Hitachi VRF range. Product compatibility, product images, reference number and capacity specifications are all embedded.

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Removing complexity

VRF system design is a rigorous and meticulous work, to offer the best ideal solution tailored to each project. airCloud Select streamline the process, thanks to a methodical step-by-step approach. As system design progresses, users can find back all inputted data in a click.

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Easier piping specifications

Several features help you for accurate piping specifying

  • Zero piping: detects all the piping segments missing distance inputs

  • Visual color codes: Red color indicates when piping exceeding elevation and length limits, green color confirms correctness,

  • Piping diameter: reminder of the suitable diameter can be displayed

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Automated report for your client

When your business grow, we grow too! In order to help you manage all your VRF project prospects, airCloud Select offers

  • Tracking tool, listing all your saved projects and their updated status.

  • Once the design is completed: exportable ready-to-share report, including list of equipment, system proposal and wiring diagram

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How to get airCloud Select

airCloud Select selection software tool is available on demand & for free to Hitachi Cooling & Heating distributors and consultants.
Contact us now to receive airCloud Select!

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Award-winning software

airCloud Select's interface has received a world-famous design award, Red Dot 2022, for its great support of HVAC works. With intuitive navigation and easy-to-understand visuals, the software can be instantly adopted by all AC servicing professionals.


Download the information, technical manuals and product brochures you need below.