Fri 24 Mar 2023

Air to Water Heat Pump Installation and Maintenance

Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are becoming increasingly popular as an efficient way to manage the temperature of your home. There are two main types of heat pumps that are garnering a lot of attention: 

The first type of heat pumps, called air-to-air heat pumps, which is essentially a regular air conditioner, include indoor systems such as wall-mounted units, floor consoles, or ducts, which circulate cold or warm air within a building.

On the other hand, air-to-water heat pumps transfer heat from the outside to water within a home, which can then be circulated through radiators or underfloor heating systems. Additionally, depending on the model, these systems can also provide cooling and hot water for household use.

In this article, we are going to focus on air-to-water heat pumps. 

Whether you are upgrading a current system or renovating your home to install it from scratch, choosing an air source heat pump is an important decision that can result in significant energy savings and increased comfort. This article will guide you through the steps of air-to-water heat pump installation and maintenance.

Air-to-Water Heat Pump Installation Guide

If you’re looking to understand what the installation of an air-to-water heat pump entails, it’s no surprise that it takes careful planning and the consideration of several factors; including sizing, space, location, load calculation, permits, indoor units, and electrical requirements. Let's take a closer look at each of these.

Choosing the right Air-to-Water Heat Pump

When choosing an air-to-water heat pump, it is important to determine the heating and cooling requirements for your home. There are different types of air-to-water heat pumps available, each with varying functions and capabilities depending on the model chosen. At Hitachi, we offer a range of air-to-water heat pump solutions to meet all your climate control needs, including heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW).


Preparing for Air-to-Water Heat Pump Installation


Family Enjoys Air-to-Water Heat Pump Installation in Home



Whether it's a brand new installation of the system or a replacement, there are various factors that need to be taken into account before installing an air-to-water heat pump. It's important to ensure that your home is suitable for an air-to-water heat pump installation. This involves verifying the existing heating system and understanding the requirements of the new system. You will need to have an expert carry out an inspection of the building to assess its suitability.

Sizing Considerations

The ideal size of an air-to-water heat pump for your home will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your property, the level of insulation, and the number of rooms. You can calculate the size required for your home yourself, however it is best to consult with an HVAC professional to determine the appropriate size of the unit for maximum energy efficiency and performance.

Choosing the Ideal Location

An air-to-water heat pump's location is crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. Choosing a location to place your installation depends on the type of air-to-water heat pump system you choose. 

Some indoor units are small in size and can be mounted to walls almost like a cabinet, whilst others are slim and tall and require ample space (a utility room, for example, would be ideal if you are looking to install a larger unit). The outdoor unit, on the other hand, should be placed in a well-ventilated area in order to properly function. 

Ideally, the installation should be in an area with good drainage and easy access to the outdoor unit. It is always best to consult the installer to help you understand the ideal location for both indoor and outdoor units.

Obtaining Necessary Permits and Government Grants 

Before starting the installation, it's essential to obtain proper verification and validation. A general contractor can help you check with the local authorities to determine which are the necessary permits and requirements for installation. Additionally, some governments offer a grant scheme for people to replace fossil fuel heating systems with heat pumps. However, these grants depend on your country of residence. For example, in the UK there are government grants that offer payments to homeowners who use eligible renewable technologies to heat their homes, including air-to-water heat pumps.

Indoor Units that can be connected to an air-to-water heat pump


Just like air-to-air units (wall-mounted, floor console etc) there are various indoor units that can be installed as part of an air-to-water heat pump system. 

  • Radiators: Radiators are a common type of indoor unit that can be connected to an air-to-water heat pump. They use hot water that is circulated through pipes to heat a room and can be adjusted to control the temperature.
  • Underfloor heating: Underfloor heating is another indoor system that can be connected to an air-to-water heat pump. It involves a network of pipes installed beneath the floor surface, which heats the floor and subsequently the room.
  • Fan coil-mounted units: Fan coil-mounted units are a type of indoor unit that can be connected to an air-to-water heat pump. They are often wall-mounted and use a fan to circulate warm or cold air around a room. They can be particularly useful in areas where space is limited, making them convenient at the time of installation.

Electrical Requirements

One reason heat pumps are gaining popularity is that, unlike traditional heating systems that rely on fossil fuels, they use electricity for both heating and cooling. As you know, working with electrics and cabling is tricky, and doing this yourself can lead to power outages. A certified electrician can help you ensure that the building and installation site is properly prepared.

The Steps Involved in Air-to-Water Heat Pump Installation

Here is what you need to be aware of for the actual installation of an air-to-water heat pump: 

  • Site preparation: prepare the site for both indoor and outdoor installations, be sure to choose appropriate locations for their size requirements and clear any obstacles.
  • Installing the outdoor unit: the outdoor unit should be installed on a level surface and away from any obstructions. The unit should also be installed in a location that allows for proper air circulation.
  • Installing the indoor unit: the indoor unit should be installed in a location that is suitable for its size and type and provides sufficient access for maintenance and repairs. The unit should also be connected to the piping (new or existing) and have access to a proper electrical supply. 
  • Connecting the refrigerant lines: for a functioning refrigeration system, the refrigerant lines should be connected between the indoor and outdoor units. Ensure that the lines are properly insulated and free from any leaks. There are also Hitachi air-to –water heat pump models which don’t require a refrigerant connection, making it easier to install. 
  • Connecting the electrical wiring: the electrical wiring should be properly installed and connected to the unit. The wiring should be done by a licensed electrician and meets the electrical requirements of the unit.
  • Connecting the domestic hot water piping: the piping needs to be properly sized and insulated to minimize heat loss, and should be installed in a way that allows for easy access for maintenance and repairs, and be connected to a suitable hot water tank or cylinder to allow for water on demand. Proper piping is especially important when using the pump for domestic hot water purposes. Within the Hitachi range of air-to-water heat pumps there are models that have a built-in water tank, helping save additional space, as well as avoids the need of connection work between the indoor unit and water tank. 
  • Testing and commissioning: the ASHP unit should be tested and commissioned to ensure that it is working properly and efficiently. This involves checking the refrigerant levels, testing the electrical system, and ensuring that the unit is providing the desired heating and cooling capacity, and doing so efficiently. Learn more about the energy efficiency indicators here. 

Home Energy Management

Though already praised for their efficiency, air-to-water heat pumps can be integrated with smart thermostats (otherwise known as smart meters) to optimize energy efficiency and provide better control over your heating and cooling needs. These systems allow you to monitor and control your energy use, which helps with energy conservation to reduce costs and your carbon footprint. 

Integrating Heat Pump Installation with Home Automation


Controlling Heat Pump Installation Romotely with Apps


Air-to-water heat pumps can also be integrated with home automation systems, allowing you to control the unit directly through apps on your smartphone or computer. By being able to control your system remotely, you can optimize energy consumption, thus reducing costs and your carbon footprint. This technology depends on the model and availability in your region. 

DIY Heat Pump Installation vs. Hiring a Professional

While a DIY air-to-water heat pump installation may seem like a cost-effective option, we fully recommend that it is planned and handled by a qualified professional. There are some steps you can do yourself, such as setting up the space, however, the heat pump must be installed and the components connected by an experienced technician.

An air-to-water heat pump installation requires specialized skills and knowledge of HVAC systems. Attempting to install the heat pump yourself may lead to safety risks, inefficiencies, and costly mistakes. Additionally, a professional installation may be required to qualify for incentives and rebates offered by local and state governments previously mentioned above.

How do I Find an Air Source Heat Pump Installer?

When considering the upgrade or installation of an air-to-water heat pump, it’s clear that it should be done by a professional. For example, when going through the process to install a Hitachi heat pump, our trusted partners will connect you to the ideal installer who will ensure that your project is handled to meet your expectations. On the website, you can find the Where to Buy section that will direct you to the official partners closest to you. 

Air-to-Water Heat Pump Maintenance Guide

Regular air source heat pump maintenance is important for optimal performance and longevity. Below are some tips and best practices for air-to-water heat pump maintenance.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Schedule regular maintenance: you should schedule maintenance at least once a year for the machine to work properly and efficiently.
  • Keep the outdoor unit clean: the outdoor unit should be kept clean and free from any debris that can affect its performance.
  • Monitor the refrigerant levels: refrigerant levels should be monitored regularly to ensure that they are at the appropriate level (if you are unsure how, speak to a service professional). 
  • Check for leaks: if there are any leaks in the refrigerant lines or piping this should be addressed immediately to prevent damage.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance (Benefits)

Regular maintenance of your air-to-water heat pump system can provide several benefits, including increased energy efficiency, extended unit lifespan, and savings (regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and replacements, saving you money in the long run).

Service Checklist

During the maintenance checkup, a service professional will perform several tasks, including:

  • Checking the refrigerant levels and pressures.
  • Lubricating the moving parts.
  • Testing the electrical system and wiring.
  • Inspecting and cleaning the piping (if required).
  • Checking for leaks and damages.
  • Clean the outdoor unit and ensure proper airflow.
  • Test the thermostat and control system.

Scheduling Your Annual Maintenance Checkup

It is important to schedule an annual air-to-water heat pump maintenance checkup with a qualified HVAC contractor. The best time to schedule the maintenance checkup is before the heating or cooling season begins (in spring or fall). This will ensure that the unit is working properly and efficiently when you need it the most.

What are the benefits of installing an air-to-water heat pump?

Air-to-water heat pumps are an energy-efficient heating solution that can help reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy costs. They work by extracting heat from the outside air and transferring it to water, which can then be circulated through radiators or underfloor heating systems. Air-to-water heat pumps offer an efficient alternative to traditional heating systems. They can also provide cooling and hot water for domestic use, making them a versatile and cost-effective option for homes and buildings.

Energy Efficiency

Air-to-water heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to regulate indoor temperatures, and can help reduce your carbon footprint greatly. These units run on electricity but primarily use green energy, as they capture low-grade air and transfer it within the system to generate optimal heating and hot water for your home.

One example of an energy-efficient air-to-water heat pump is the Hitachi Yutaki S Combi R32. With its top COP rating of up to 5.25 and EER of up to 4.0, this model is one of the most efficient on the European market (A+++), and is capable of producing hot water up to 60°C. Available in a wide range of capacities, this model is both versatile and compact and operates at a nearly silent level.


Hitachi's products are built to last, using advanced technology and innovative design to ensure longevity and reliability. With a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, our products offer a long-lasting and cost-effective solution for both residential and commercial customers.

The Hitachi Air-to-Water Heat Pump range 

Hitachi offers a range of air-to-water heat pumps designed to meet the needs of homes and buildings of varying sizes and requirements. These heat pumps are designed for energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, using advanced technology to provide reliable and efficient heating and cooling solutions. Learn more about the range of air-to-water heat pumps available by Hitachi (availability of models may vary depending on the region). Experience the comfort and energy efficiency of our air-to-water heat pump and our other solutions by exploring our full range of products and features today.


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