Pharmacy dei Viali | Hitachi VRF project in Catania, Italy


The place: pharmacy in Sicily needs dependable indoor temperature control


Pharmacies require precise thermal control, not only for customer and staff comfort but also to keep medicines in optimal condition; when certain medications are exposed to high or low temperatures, they can degrade. The recommended range of temperature for medicine storage is 15°C to 25°C1.


For the Pharmacy dei Viali, located in Catania in the island of Sicily, South of Italy, temperature control is particularly essential, with summer days often surpassing the 35˚C.

The solution: cooling you can rely on, and Silent-Iconic style to admire


Hitachi VRF is ideal for these applications where AC operation is required 24/7, adjusting to ambient temperature changes all the time, while keeping energy costs down. In the case of Pharmacy dei Viali, they installed the Hitachi Utopia Prime R32 which can operate reliably in outside temperatures of up to 46°C.


For the customer spaces they opted for 4-way cassettes fitted with the Silent-Iconic panels. The award-winning black and white panels bring subtle modernity to the interior esthetics of the pharmacy, whilst effectively conditioning the air throughout the room. For the back office storage room, new ducted units (RPI series) were installed on the existing ductwork, minimizing the installation process.




  1. Pharmacy dei Viali - Project Sheet (PDF)
  2. Projects Reference Catalog (PDF)



Catania, Italy



Date of installation


Total System Capacity


Indoor units

2x Cassette RCI with Silent-Iconic + 2x Ducted System Free RPI

Outdoor units

1x Utopia Prime (RAS-6HVRP2E) + 1x Utopia Prime (RAS-6HRP2E)
