Clifton Residence | Hitachi VRF project in Georgia, USA


The place: two-story residential building achieves 50% of energy savings with upgrade to Hitachi VRF


With a temperature that hovers around between 3°C and 4°C during wintertime and temperatures that can exceed 37.8°C during summertime, for the residences of Columbus, Georgia the need of a reliable HVAC system isn't just a luxury, it's a necessity for comfortable living year-round.


Georgia's summers are notorious for their relentless humidity and roasting temperatures. Without proper cooling, indoor spaces can quickly become unbearable, affecting productivity, sleep quality, and overall well-being. The significance of a good HVAC system in Georgia extends beyond mere comfort, it's also about energy efficiency and cost savings.

The solution: high efficiency solution provided, while meeting application requirements


Traditional HVAC systems often rely on heat strips during colder periods, which can lead to increased energy consumption and higher gas bills. However, Hitachi VRF technologies now offers high-efficiency solutions that maintain consistent temperatures throughout the day while reducing energy costs and environmental impact.


The owner was looking to replace the old cooling/heating system reducing the utility cost and better functionality all year round. With the installation of the new units, the requirements were met: customer has stated that the units operate more quietly and are hardly even noticeable when on, 50% decrease in utility cost, fairly easy to access and no extensive maintenance required. With the new Hitachi Mini VRF units, the owner could save up to 70% in gas billing cost since September of 2023.


“These units are legit. No heat strips and never had an issue. House is holding at 21ºC - 22ºC without any problem”


Clifton Residence, owner.


The AHU (Air Handling Units) were place strategically to cool/heat this two-story residential building. These can be used in a wide range of buildings where fresh air isn’t easily available, and the Mini VRF outdoor unit was installed in the backyard lining up well with what was currently installed. Two wired controllers were installed for a wall-fixed control device option.


Distributor: Joe Powell and Associates



  1. Projects Reference Catalog (PDF)


Columbus, Georgia, USA



Date of installation


Total System Capacity

Total Cooling Capacity (MBH) 47.1 , Total Heating Capacity (MBH) 53

Outdoor units

1x Mini VRF HVAHP048B21S

Indoor units

2x 4.0 Ton Multi-Position AH IU 208/230V 1PH


2x Wired controller


Joe Powell and Associates