Fulton Theatre Artists Village | Hitachi VRF project in Lancaster, PA, USA


The place: New Artists Village opens next to the Fulton Theatre providing accommodation for actors


In 2020, the Fulton Theatre opened its new Artists Village to accommodate actors performing there. A 16-apartment complex was created by transforming and connecting six buildings of various sizes.


Designed to provide the actors with a relaxing place to stay while on tour, the Artist Village was in need of a reliable cooling and heating solution. Some of the original six buildings had already been used for housing and featured a window AC solution in the living room. However due to their poor efficiency and inability to effectively cool multi-room apartments, a modern HVAC solution was required.

The solution: Hitachi VRF provides centralized cooling and heating with individual room comfort:


For more convenient maintenance and installation, the clients wanted a centrally controlled solution to cover all the cooling and heating needs of the 16 apartments. Hitachi VRF was a great match for these requirements.

  • Compact units that could fit in the small spaces available 
  • Flexibility of the VRF technology meant easier integration and installation into the building structure’s layout. It also minimized the expenses of the renovation, ideal for a non-profit organization like the Fulton Theatre. 
  • By opting for Heat Recovery VRF, the system can cool and heat different rooms simultaneously, transferring waste heat from a zone being cooled to a zone that requires heating. This leads to greater energy savings, especially during spring and fall seasons in which both heat and cooling might be demanded by various occupants in different rooms.

In terms of indoor comfort, Hitachi VRF fully satisfies the needs of the guests. Each occupant can choose and set their preferred temperature in their own living space independently, rather than a single temperature or operating mode being applied all rooms; a considerable upgrade in individual comfort, enabling actors to be rested, refreshed and perform at their best.

Distributor: HC Nye
Contractor / Installer: HB McClure




  1. Fulton Theatre Artists Village - Project sheet (PDF)


Lancaster, PA, USA



Date of installation


Total System Capacity


Product installed

Heat Recovery VRF


HC Nye

Contractor / Installer

HB McClure