Choosing the Best Heating and Hot Water System.

1. Identifying Your Needs:

If your focus is solely on heating, the options are diverse—wood, diesel, gas, heat pump, among others. However, if you also want to address domestic hot water, the choices narrow down. Gas or diesel boilers, air/water heat pumps, hybrids, and air/air heat pumps with integrated hot water tank are pertinent options. Wood, however, has limitations.

If you seek an "all-in-one" system to cool or air-condition your home, air/air or air/water heat pumps, including hybrids, are the optimal choice. It's essential to note that the sale of new diesel boilers will be prohibited from July 1, 2022, aligning with France's climate goals.

2. Adaptation of the Solution to Your Home:

Opting for an air/water heat pump is an efficient choice for single-family homes with an existing central hydraulic heating system. The pump integrates by replacing the old boiler, adjusting to the water temperature required by radiators. Heat pumps can be effective even in severe climates or with high power demands.

In specific cases, the hybrid air/water heat pump with diesel or gas may be suitable. However, relying on two energy sources can have drawbacks.

The air/air heat pump is versatile and easy to install in fully electrically heated homes. It provides heating in winter and air conditioning in summer, adapting to various needs and distributions.


woman working on a laptop at home

3. Financial Considerations:

The initial and operational costs vary depending on the chosen system. Heat pumps offer efficient performance, although the initial investment may be higher. When assessing the cost of the entire lifespan, consider not only the initial investment but also operational and maintenance costs.

4. Comfort and Practicality:

Electric radiators, while autonomous and programmable, are often less efficient and may distribute heat unevenly. Wood is economical but requires storage space and regular maintenance.

Air/water heat pumps offer a comfortable and efficient solution, distributing gentle heat through the hydraulic network. Moreover, they are autonomous and programmable, providing a high level of comfort.

Choosing the ideal solution depends on your specific needs and conditions. A detailed analysis of these factors will help you select the most suitable heating and hot water system for your home.


by Hitachi Cooling & Heating