Low-energy heating

These are energy-efficient technologies for heating systems. For example, air-source heat pumps are considered one of the most energy efficient technologies around.

Energy-efficient technologies have revolutionized the heating systems industry. One of the most popular and efficient technologies is the air-source heat pump. These heat pumps are designed to produce more heat energy than the amount of electricity they consume, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective option. They work by extracting heat from the air outside and transferring it into your home, reducing the need for traditional heating methods. The use of air-source heat pumps can significantly lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, making it an investment worth considering.

Hitachi Cooling & Heating has the widest range of capacities available for the domestic air source heat pump market. The Yutaki range, air-to-water heat pumps, has the maximum A+++ energy classification in all its ranges ensuring you make savings on your energy bills, reduce electricity consumption and the impact on the environment.

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Heat Pump type

Programmable thermostat

Air-source heat pump

COP (Coefficient of Performance)
