Do Energy Efficient Appliances Really Save You Money?

Energy efficiency remains one of the biggest buzzwords today; it is featured everywhere, highlighted as a benefit on numerous products, is a common goal that many of us share “to become more energy efficient”, and government organisations are continually putting the pieces in place to lower consumption. By being more energy efficient we not only benefit ourselves but also contribute to a healthier planet, and so efforts are made every day to lower our impact on the environment.


In this article: we look at how efficient appliances impact energy bills and savings.

We are used to applying commonly known energy-saving tips in our daily lives,
such as turning lights and appliances off when not in use, washing clothes in cool water, using the dishwasher only when it is full… But do these actions and appliances that feature energy efficiency tech have an actual impact on money-saving? Is it really worth upgrading our home appliances for energy efficient ones?  


What makes appliances energy efficient?

To understand how energy efficient appliances can potentially save money, we must understand what makes technology more efficient than others. There are different ways in which an appliance saves power, all thanks to technological advances, and increasing research on energy consumption. Which explains why modern appliances tend to be more efficient than older ones. According to the International Energy Agency, to reach the goal of Net-Zero emissions by 2050, all appliances commercialised in 2035 will need to match today’s best technology in terms of energy efficiency.

Energy-efficient tech optimises energy use to complete tasks needing less power. This is achieved by using different techniques; sometimes, the physical design of an appliance makes it more efficient. For example, refrigerators that have the freezer compartment at the top are more efficient than those that have it at the bottom, because, in modern refrigerators, the compressor is usually located at the bottom, making bottom-mounted freezers more prone to heat, forcing the refrigerator to work harder in order to maintain the right temperature.

Another example is by improving the mechanism, such as heat-pump tumble dryers. This type of dryer uses indoor warmth to heat the air inside the dryer, instead of using a heat-producing element. A more obvious way that appliances save energy is with a built-in ‘eco’ mode, which allows it to lower or practically stop its activity and dramatically lower energy consumption, such as sleep mode in computers and notebooks.

Different types of appliances have different tech and techniques to save energy, learning about them will help you make more informed decisions when shopping for a new appliance to replace your old one.


General Appliances at Home Example


Energy labels on appliances 


The less energy an appliance uses, the less it costs to run. Energy-efficient appliances achieve the same level of performance as similar models with the same size or capacity using less power.


The energy label is the sticker attached to appliances, generally placed there by the manufacturer, and it provides consumers with information on the energy efficiency of a product. Here’s what to know about using the energy label when you shop.


Energy rating labelling often works hand-in-hand with Minimum Energy Performance Standards. Those lowest standards establish a minimum level of energy performance that an appliance must meet to be sold. They help to improve the average efficiency of products.


The label system is simple and practical. For example, in 2021 the ratings of the scales in Europe were changed. Since new appliances being released meet or exceed the top of the scale for efficiency, it was practical to re-evaluate the way products were rated and update the indicators to better match today's efficiency standards. Naturally, each country defines the efficiency of products according to different factors (climate, energy standards, measurements) and so label systems vary depending on location. Here you can find info on some of them as an example (Japan, India, USA, Korea, Europe, Australia, UK)


This applies to toasters, fridges, televisions and more. For air conditioners, the same rules apply. When looking at an Energy label, we must take into account different indicators depending on the country's legislation. Talking generically, we can say that colour or number coding is globally identifiable, but other data points to consider is specific information for these appliances like the Energy Efficiency Ratio that determines the cooling power on an air conditioner, or the COP (coefficient of performance) which is the ratio that tells us how much output an air conditioner offers based on the energy input. For a better understanding, check out our article: Energy Efficiency and Air Conditioning.


Energy Efficient Air Conditioning Example 


How much do energy-efficient appliances save?

Once you know about the energy rating labels on appliances, it becomes easier to choose the most efficient products. Different studies have been conducted to measure how much money can be saved by upgrading to more energy-efficient appliances. Some of these studies focus on individual appliance savings, and others on household savings. 

Energy Saving Trust highlights that a dishwasher with a D energy rating instead of the lowest rating can save up to $20 per year. Likewise, a D rated refrigerator saves around $600 over its 17-year lifetime, if upgraded from a G rated fridge of the same size. This clearly indicates that the higher the efficiency rating the more money is saved doing the same operation with an appliance of a lower rating.

According to the Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP), households in the US can expect to save between $300-500 a year in utility bills by swapping all domestic appliances to more efficient ones.

The savings expected will naturally change from household to household based on number of appliances, usage and other factors.

Finally, what you need to take into account is the initial investment for the new appliance. Very often you will find out that the yearly savings in electricity bills will pay back the cost of the new appliance in a few years. This can be estimated by dividing the initial cost of the appliance into the yearly energy savings. For example, if a new energy efficient refrigerator costs you $500, and your energy savings per year for this appliance are $50, the fridge will have paid back itself in 10 years.

 So, it is easy to see that the better the rating, the better the performance


Air Conditioning Features and Control 


How to be energy efficient with air conditioning?

Air conditioners are packed with functions that can help you reduce your energy consumption without impacting the comfort they create. The range of Hitachi Residential Air Conditioners does just that, takes care of your comfort and gives you features, modes and operational functions that help efficiency. Here are a couple of operational tips that, along with efficient functions and modes, help keep energy bills down:

  • Temperature: one of the easiest and most immediate ways to reduce energy consumption is to increase or decrease the temperature on your unit by a degree or two, depending on the temperature you wish to attain. Commonly, we might set a temperature that is actually not necessary for us to get lower or higher ambient temperature, and by adjusting it slightly, we lower energy usage.

  • Eco Mode: This function lowers power consumption without compromising comfort. Depending on the region, some models of Hitachi Residential Air Conditioners feature the Scene Camera, which further increases its capability and gives users Smart ECO mode. This smarter and more advanced energy saving mode detects human activity to automatically turn off or on. Find out more about how Eco mode works.

  • Cloud Connectivity: The Hitachi airCloud Go app is designed to make using your Hitachi AC a breeze, taking care of all of the units inside the home, adjusting the AC operation depending on if you’re leaving home or arriving, and, depending on your location, helps you manage the energy consumption of your AC. Combined with a scheduling tool, program the unit to operate during certain times of the day and establish a budget to keep energy expenses in check.

  • Improved Sleep: If you can’t sleep without having the air conditioning on, then you will want to increase the temperature of your unit by a couple of degrees in order to maintain comfort. But this isn’t the most efficient option. Some Hitachi Residential ACs have Sleep Mode, which increases the temperature by 1º every hour while gently adapting the fan speed to reduce the feeling of draughts until the ideal temperature has been reached. 

We’ve discussed efficiency, but do you want to know how to identify which type of air conditioner is right for you and your home? View our article on how to buy an air conditioner here.


If you’re interested in learning about how you can benefit from Hitachi Air Conditioners in terms of comfort, technology offered and energy savings, browse the range of products available, here.



What appliances use the most energy?

Where you live and how you use them have a direct influence on which appliances consume the most energy on a monthly basis.

Focusing on domestic appliances only, in the U.K. for example, the Energy Saving Trust found that washing machines, dishwashers and tumble-dryers account for 14% of energy bills, fridges and freezers contribute about 13% to the bill, and consumers electronics (laptops, TVs, game consoles, account for around 6%.

In the U.S., space heating appliances account for 31%, water heating around 14%, and air conditioners and other space cooling appliances for around 11%.

Then, in the UAE, for example, air conditioners account for the majority of household bills.


How much energy is saved by unplugging appliances?

The Department of Energy in the U.S. estimates that households could save between 5-10% a month by unplugging domestica appliances. So, see which ones you can unplug on a regular basis when not in use as a simple way to reduce your bill.


What are energy-efficient appliances?

Simple put, energy efficient appliances use small amounts of energy to offer a function or complete a task that previously models of the same appliance would have required more to do so. Or offer the possibility to operate an appliance in lower energy settings.





by Hitachi